
Honey rush
Drop shaped Dominican amber pendant with a tattooed Tahitian pearl on blackened cable silver necklace. Egg shaped Dominican amber and flower pendant on on blackened cable silver necklace.
Honey Rush necklaces: Drop shaped Dominican amber pendant with a tattooed Tahitian pearl on blackened cable silver necklace. Egg shaped Dominican amber and flower pendant on on blackened cable silver necklace.
Smoky quartz macrame, amber pearls

Smoky quartz oval and pearls macrame pendant on a silk band. Drop shaped Dominican amber pendant on fresh water pearls necklace.

Smoky Quartz Macrame, Amber Pearls: Smoky quartz oval and pearls macrame pendant on a silk band. Drop shaped Dominican amber pendant on fresh water pearls necklace.
Amber lampion

Carved Dominican amber earrings with fresh water pearls.

Carved Dominican amber earrings with fresh water pearls.
Amber crown

Carved Dominican amber pendant and ornaments, onyx lariat.

Carved Dominican amber pendant and ornaments, onyx lariat.
Amber fire

Droped shaped Dominican amber pendant, grey natural agate necklace.

Droped shaped Dominican amber pendant, grey natural agate necklace.
Amber medallion

Dominican amber disc pendant and ornament, onyx sautoir.

Dominican amber disc pendant and ornament, onyx sautoir.
Honey drop

Droped shaped Dominican amber pendant, fresh water pearls sautoir.

Honey Drop necklace: Droped shaped Dominican amber pendant, fresh water pearls sautoir.
Amber flowers

Oval shaped Dominican amber earrings with floral crowns.

Oval shaped Dominican amber earrings with floral crowns.
Amber amphora and amber snale

Dominican amber Amphora pendant, braided leather cord. Carved snale pendant, braided leather cord.

Dominican amber Amphora pendant, braided leather cord. Carved snale pendant, braided leather cord.
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